Health & Skin Care Artisan

Health & Skin Care Artisan

 A2RK Parfumerie is not just a marketplace but a ministry with a two-fold mission. First, we pledge to support our community and the local youth initiative, which, provides mentoring, academic advising, and financial literacy resources to its at-risk youth by connecting our participants with community partners who address a broad spectrum of deficiencies with a personalized service plan.

Secondly, what began as a short-term fundraising event quickly transitioned into a permanent platform that offers the youth a safe vehicle to create and showcase their range of handcrafted, natural, paraben-free plant-based body and beauty creations. This skincare merchandising juncture is our gateway to entrepreneurship as we concentrate on moving from an employee to employer-conscience mindset. Best of all, we get to implement stewardship, increase our community presence, and align our values with our neighbors, which, benefit the overall health and growth of Marshall and the surrounding areas.